Lee District Trail

Head over to Lee District Park for a hike! Once you’ve tired of getting your stroll on, you’ll have five different play areas to choose from for the kids to enjoy while you wind down with a drink and a snack. Parts of the nature trail are definitely for the more intrepid strollers among us, but you’ll find a perfect “Pooh Sticks” bridge, lots of attractive views, and some good opportunities to teach your kid how to follow trail blazes.

Be alert and maintain control as you approach parking lots and crossings. The REC Center hosts a preschool and a slew of kids’ classes, and I can tell you with 100% certainty that all those moms in SUVs cannot see your kid when she runs out into the parking lot while they are backing up. Most of the trail is nowhere near the parking lot, however, so you and your little explorer can enjoy a good time.

Heading through the Tree House offers nice overlooks and fun adventure, but as one of the most popular features in the park, be aware of other traffic. It is popular with families as a safe place for kids to practice cycling. Young and enthusiastic cyclists are not necessarily skilled at stopping and avoiding other pedestrians, so be alert. Also remind your ambulatory child of how to be cautious around cyclists- be aware and move to the side of the trail as one approaches and wait for them to pass!

Trail surface: mixed. Paved, dirt, and gravel.
Freedom Coded: Mostly yellow, but you will pass near the parking lot and the road at times.
Double stroller accessible: 70% There is plenty of trail that is wide enough.  There are some turnings in the wooded sections that are narrow, but it’s obvious at the turn that they won’t permit a double stroller.
Stroller type: Jogging, unless you keep to the sidewalks and paved trails.
Distance: Approximately 3 miles if you don’t repeat any sections.
Loop: yes
Shade cover: Varies from full sun to shady, depending on what part of the trail you’re on, but sunny is the norm.
Restrooms: In the REC Center. Just ask at the desk and they’ll direct you.
Parking: You have your choice of three parking lots. If you are allergic to bees, avoid parking near a trash can.
Getting There: 6601 Telegraph Road Alexandria, Virginia 22310

About Meghan

I like blues, punk, crime drama, mysteries, knitting, science fiction, having boys, and keeping active. I am a cat person, although I think dogs should have equal opportunities. When I'm not here, you'll find me on our main site, or out and about with my kids!

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